Friday, November 11, 2016

Post Election Blues - Trump Tears - 2016

Trump Tears

Blog by Wendy Brown

I am not sure how to begin this blog because there are so many thoughts running through my mind. Under usual circumstances concerning the government, I go with the flow and trust that the government will do the conscionable thing in the best interest of the people. However, because of the way Trump conducted himself throughout the campaign – I do not believe that he is anything but a walking compulsive, uncontrollable, cartoon too sad to laugh at anymore. I must admit that I thought some of the things he said in the debate were too sick or funny to be taken seriously and I started to look at him as a comedian that would soon dissipate into the masses.

Growing up in a prejudice world in the 60’s I always had questions and thoughts about why people thought they had to hate each other. I use to ponder the question of if we would ever have a black or a woman president in the future.  It was a dream and a good feeling to think that I would live in an age where this could come true.
Throughout the years, slow but sure; I could feel a growing awareness and acceptance of all people who were different from the norm. It came on the same boat at global growth and a look into cultures different than our own spurred by the power of the internet. Although nothing had been perfect or easy as we had setbacks along the way, there were still feelings that we were on the right road; even though the road was long and hard. People seemed to be trying to understand and less tolerant towards others who were outspoken and prejudice.

Finally, in 2004 we elected a black president and although there were many people against it, it was a move in the right direction. Obama proved to be worthy of the presidential title.
Forwarding to present day and at the backdrop of the election for the first time in my life, I am concerned about the future of America. During the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Donald consistently brought up the subject of minorities, service men, the disabled, woman, blacks – you name it. He brought all the hate, prejudice, and fear to the surface and reintroduced it to the world. In turn, this gave a voice to the haters of minorities and began a verbal war amongst the people. It spread to the schools and to kids of all ages. The hate ran rampant as many minority children were driven into a state of panic, tears, and uncontrollable fear. Now their friends chanted “Build the Wall!” “Black Lives Don’t Matter!” Soon many families may be forced to leave the only home where they felt safe.

 Black prejudice resurfaced as black dolls were seen their necks tied with a thick rope hanging from a tree. All ages started chanting “build the wall, build the wall” without a thought to the kids or parents who risked their lives to get here. No thinking, no rationalization, no solutions to address the problem - just plain old hate. Think of an ugly old dragon stretching his withering neck while forcing his head out of the cave all the while blowing a forceful spray of black toxic fumes to an audience of unwilling onlookers too shocked to move. 

Thankfully, students began protesting when Trump was elected by the Electoral College. They hit the streets in peaceful protests and many people joined them in their quest to come to terms with what happened. No one felt it was right. You could feel it in your bones. It is terrifying to think that something like this could happen in the United States as many people are in a state of helplessness. The protests are still going on today and unfortunately, the peaceful protests turned into violence and as a result a lot of injuries. I guess at one point it was bound to happen.
Hillary won the popular vote coming from the people. We all wanted her to win and by all rights she did, but the Electoral College filled with uneducated members of society looking for immediate change took control and all was lost. Feelings of hopeless, tears of pain, and an unwillingness to accept the outcome of the election sweeps through North America and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon.

Everyone is asking why and trying to rationalize the reasoning behind electing a man who learned at a very early age how to manipulate, control, and destroy other people as well as their businesses with the stroke of a pen. Perhaps he is an unconscionable soul whose only interest is growing his own empire? We let this happen in America – our beloved America that was a safe - haven for people less fortunate than ourselves. We were trying to save the world. We were learning new ways to create business and learn about energy alternatives to help preserve the environment.  We were trying to promote love, peace, and acceptance throughout the land.

One bad man was all it took to destroy our dream and send its citizens spiraling down a staircase or rather being sucked into a violent tornado. It feels like I am tumbling into hopelessness and despair without a safety net. Does any of this sound familiar and remind you of something you might have read in the past concerning world history? Hmmm…. 

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